Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Sites are used as virtual entities within a tenant. They can represent a web store, a physical store, a branded store or a store for a specific market.
Key Features:
Key Benefits:
Retrieves all mixins for a specified site.
{- "couponSettings": {
- "rewardpoints": {
- "codePrefix": "T",
- "orderValueToRewardPointsFactor": 1,
- "enabled": true,
- "validityInMonths": 2
}, - "codePrefix": "ED",
- "length": 3,
- "referral": {
- "codePrefix": "E",
- "redemptionCodeValue": 8,
- "value": 8,
- "orderValueToRewardPointsFactor": 1
}, - "sendReferralCoupon": true,
- "metadata": {
}, - "merchantInfo": {
- "merchantName": "Emporix",
- "metadata": {
}, - "customerSettings": {
- "regExSettings": {
- "mail": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$",
- "phone": "^[0-9\\+][0-9]{7,}$",
- "password": ".{6,}",
- "bic": "^((.{8})|(.{11}))$",
- "accountOwner": "^[a-zA-Z0-9':?,()\\-. +/ÄäÜüÖöß&]{0,70}$"
}, - "metadata": {
}, - "imageSize": {
- "productTileSizes": {
- "default": "214x160"
}, - "productDetailSizes": {
- "mobile": "347x261",
- "tablet": "290x218",
- "desktop": "490x367"
}, - "basketLineItemImage": {
- "mobile": "40x30",
- "tablet": "47x35",
- "desktop": "60x45",
- "default": "60x45"
}, - "imageSlider": {
- "desktop": "1473x491",
- "tablet": "960x320",
- "mobile": "379x133"
}, - "feeService": {
- "active": true,
- "metadata": {
}, - "orderProcessSettings": {
- "checkoutSettings": {
- "minimumOrderValue": 20,
- "lastPossibleOrderTime": 8,
- "lastPossibleOrderTimeDateShift": -1,
- "minOrderAge": 18,
- "maxOrderAge": 100,
- "minDeliveryTimeSpan": 2,
- "cutOffTimeValidationEnabled": false,
- "checkoutElements": {
- "onPickup": {
- "showPackingOptions": false
}, - "onDelivery": {
- "showPackingOptions": true
}, - "deliveryTimeToMethodSettings": {
- "1": "1-2_hours_timeframe",
- "3": "3_hours_timeframe",
- "4": "4-more_hours_timeframe",
- "10": "4-more_hours_timeframe"
}, - "paymentSettings": {
- "paymentByInvoice": true,
- "paymentByDebit": false,
- "paymentByCash": true,
- "paymentByCredit": false
}, - "pickup": false,
- "pickupTimeToMethodSettings": {
- "1": "pickup"
}, - "paymentSettingsB2B": {
- "paymentByInvoice": true,
- "paymentByDebit": true,
- "paymentByCash": false,
- "paymentByCredit": false
}, - "paymentSettingsB2C": {
- "paymentByInvoice": true,
- "paymentByDebit": true,
- "paymentByCash": false,
- "paymentByCredit": false
}, - "metadata": {
}, - "generalShopSettings": {
- "footerLogoUrl": "saas-storefront/images/tenant/tenant_logo.png",
- "confirmationPageImageUrl": "saas-storefront/images/misc/Example_neutral_700.png",
- "placeholderLogo": "saas-storefront/images/example/example_placeholder.png",
- "duzen": true,
- "primaryColor": "#fff",
- "shopCountry": {
- "code": "DE"
}, - "brandName": "Example Demo",
- "backgroundColor": "#fff",
- "clientGroup": "example",
- "trustedShopCode": "none",
- "regionName": "Stuttgart",
- "zoneId": "Europe/Berlin",
- "metadata": {
}, - "productSettings": {
- "serviceOptionsConfiguration": {
- "cuttingOptions": [
- {
- "id": "small",
- "displayText": "Dünn geschnitten"
}, - {
- "id": "medium",
- "displayText": "Mittel geschnitten"
}, - {
- "id": "thick",
- "displayText": "Dick geschnitten"
}, - {
- "id": "atAStretch",
- "displayText": "Am Stück"
}, - {
- "id": "sliced",
- "displayText": "Geschnitten"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_100GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 100 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_120GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 120 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_140GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 140 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_160GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 160 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_180GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 180 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_200GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 200 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_220GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 220 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_240GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 240 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_260GRM",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 260 g)"
}, - {
- "id": "flimsy",
- "displayText": "Hauchdünn"
}, - {
- "id": "cubed",
- "displayText": "Würfel"
}, - {
- "id": "stripCutted",
- "displayText": "Geschnezelt"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_50MMT",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 0,5 cm)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_1CMT",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 1 cm)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_2CMT",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 2 cm)"
}, - {
- "id": "slice_3CMT",
- "displayText": "Scheibe (ca. 3 cm)"
}, - {
- "id": "unseasoned",
- "displayText": "Ungewürzt"
}, - {
- "id": "seasoned",
- "displayText": "Gewürzt"
}, - {
- "id": "bbqSeasoned",
- "displayText": "Grillgewürz"
}, - {
- "id": "winemakerSeasoned",
- "displayText": "Weinbauerngewürz"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeAvignon",
- "displayText": "Marinade Avignon"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeBBQ",
- "displayText": "Marinade Barbecue"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeWildGarlic",
- "displayText": "Marinade Bärlauch"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeCafeParis",
- "displayText": "Marinade Café de Paris"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeClassic",
- "displayText": "Marinade Classic"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeCurry",
- "displayText": "Marinade Curry"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeHotChili",
- "displayText": "Marinade Hot Chili"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeItalia",
- "displayText": "Marinade Italia"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeCaribbean",
- "displayText": "Marinade Karibik"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeLasVegas",
- "displayText": "Marinade Las Vegas"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeTexas",
- "displayText": "Marinade Texas"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadePaprika",
- "displayText": "Marinade Paprika"
}, - {
- "id": "marinadeAnanas",
- "displayText": "Marinade Ananas",
- "editing": false
}, - {
- "id": "loafWhole",
- "displayText": "Ganzer Laib"
}, - {
- "id": "loafHalf",
- "displayText": "Halber Laib"
}, - {
- "id": "loafQuarter",
- "displayText": "Viertel Laib"
}, - {
- "id": "grated",
- "displayText": "Gerieben"
}, - {
- "id": "Grinded",
- "displayText": "Gemahlen"
}, - {
- "displayText": "Gemahlt",
- "id": "Ground"
], - "servicePackagingOptions": [
- {
- "id": "paper",
- "displayText": "Papier"
}, - {
- "id": "vacuum",
- "displayText": "Vakuumiert"
}, - {
- "displayText": "lose",
- "id": "loose"
}, - "metadata": {
Creates a mixin for a specified site.
Bad Request
{- "testMixin": {
- "active": true,
- "metadata": {
{- "id": "test"
Retrieves a specified site mixin.
{- "Response example": {
- "value": {
- "regExSettings": {
- "mail": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$",
- "phone": "^[0-9\\\\+][0-9]{7,}$",
- "password": ".{6,}",
- "bic": "^((.{8})|(.{11}))$",
- "accountOwner": "^[a-zA-Z0-9':?,()\\\\-. +/ÄäÜüÖöß&]{0,70}$"
}, - "metadata": {
Deletes a specified site mixin.
No Content
{- "status": 400,
- "type": "bad_request",
- "message": "The tenant information provided with the request is not valid."
Fully updates a specified site mixin.
{- "testMixin": {
- "active": true,
- "metadata": {
{- "status": 400,
- "type": "bad_request",
- "message": "The tenant information provided with the request is not valid."
Partially updates a specified site mixin.
{- "active": true
{- "status": 400,
- "type": "bad_request",
- "message": "The tenant information provided with the request is not valid."
Retrieves a list of site configurations.
Note: The site.site_manage
scope is only required if you want to retrieve inactive sites.
[- {
- "code": "main",
- "name": "United States",
- "active": true,
- "defaultLanguage": "en",
- "languages": [
- "ar",
- "en",
- "fr",
- "de"
], - "currency": "USD",
- "availableCurrencies": [
- "EUR",
- "GBP",
- "USD",
- "THB",
- "RUB",
- "SAR"
], - "homeBase": {
- "address": {
- "street": "Broadway",
- "streetNumber": "1500",
- "zipCode": "10036",
- "city": "New York",
- "country": "US",
- "state": "NY"
}, - "location": {
- "latitude": 40.7568658044745,
- "longitude": -73.9858713458565
}, - "shipToCountries": [
- "US"
], - "assistedBuying": {
- "storefrontUrl": ""
}, - "metadata": {
- "mixins": {
- "productSettings": "",
- "generalShopSettings": "",
- "customerSettings": "",
- "orderProcessSettings": "",
}, - "version": 14
}, - "default": true
Creates a new site configuration.
code | string Site's unique identifier. |
name | string Site name. |
active | boolean Flag indicating whether the site is active. |
default | boolean Flag indicating whether the site is the tenant's default site. |
includesTax | boolean Indicates whether prices for the site should be returned in gross (when includesTax=true) or net (when includesTax=false). |
defaultLanguage | string = 2 characters ^[a-z]{2} Site's default language, compliant with the ISO 639-1 standard. |
languages | Array of strings Languages supported by the site. Note: The languages must be compliant with the ISO 639-1 standard. |
currency | string (CurrencyDto) = 3 characters ^[A-Z]{3} Currency used by the site, compliant with the ISO 4217 standard. |
availableCurrencies | Array of strings (CurrencyDto) List of the currencies supported by the site |
object (HomeBase) Site's location. | |
shipToCountries | Array of strings Codes of countries to which the site ships products. Note: The country codes must be compliant with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. |
Array of objects (Service Configuration) Shipping service configurations. | |
Array of objects (Service Configuration) Payment service configurations. | |
Array of objects (Service Configuration)
| |
object (AssistedBuying) | |
object (Metadata) | |
taxDeterminationBasedOn | string (taxDeterminationBasedOn) Specifies whether tax calculation is based on customer billing address or shipping address. Default value is |
object Site's additional properties. | |
cartCalculationScale | integer >= 0 Default: 2 Number of decimal points used in the cart calculation. Must be zero or a positive value. |
{- "code": "test2",
- "name": "postmanTestSiteName",
- "active": false,
- "default": false,
- "defaultLanguage": "en",
- "languages": [
- "en"
], - "currency": "GBP",
- "homeBase": {
- "address": {
- "country": "GB",
- "zipCode": "12345"
}, - "shipToCountries": [
- "GB"
], - "mixins": { },
- "metadata": { }
{- "Response example": {
- "value": {
- "id": "test"
Retrieves a specified site's configuration.
Note: The site.site_manage
scope is only required if you want to retrieve an inactive site.
Example response
Internal Server Error
{- "code": "test2",
- "name": "postmanTestSiteName",
- "active": false,
- "defaultLanguage": "en",
- "languages": [
- "en"
], - "currency": "GBP",
- "homeBase": {
- "address": {
- "zipCode": "12345",
- "country": "GB"
}, - "shipToCountries": [
- "GB"
], - "metadata": {
- "mixins": { },
- "version": 0
}, - "default": true
Fully updates a specified site's configuration.
You can also use this endpoint to update the configuration of the following services:
Note: To update an inactive service configuration, you need to use the expand
query parameter.
code | string Site's unique identifier. |
name | string Site name. |
active | boolean Flag indicating whether the site is active. |
default | boolean Flag indicating whether the site is the tenant's default site. |
includesTax | boolean Indicates whether prices for the site should be returned in gross (when includesTax=true) or net (when includesTax=false). |
defaultLanguage | string = 2 characters ^[a-z]{2} Site's default language, compliant with the ISO 639-1 standard. |
languages | Array of strings Languages supported by the site. Note: The languages must be compliant with the ISO 639-1 standard. |
currency | string (CurrencyDto) = 3 characters ^[A-Z]{3} Currency used by the site, compliant with the ISO 4217 standard. |
availableCurrencies | Array of strings (CurrencyDto) List of the currencies supported by the site |
object (HomeBase) Site's location. | |
shipToCountries | Array of strings Codes of countries to which the site ships products. Note: The country codes must be compliant with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. |
Array of objects (Service Configuration) Shipping service configurations. | |
Array of objects (Service Configuration) Payment service configurations. | |
Array of objects (Service Configuration)
| |
object (AssistedBuying) | |
object (Metadata) | |
taxDeterminationBasedOn | string (taxDeterminationBasedOn) Specifies whether tax calculation is based on customer billing address or shipping address. Default value is |
object Site's additional properties. | |
cartCalculationScale | integer >= 0 Default: 2 Number of decimal points used in the cart calculation. Must be zero or a positive value. |
The request was successful. The services configuration has been updated.
Internal Server Error
{- "name": "test",
- "active": true,
- "default": false,
- "defaultLanguage": "de",
- "languages": [
- "en",
- "de"
], - "currency": "EUR",
- "homeBase": {
- "address": {
- "country": "GB",
- "zipCode": "12345"
}, - "shipToCountries": [
- "GB"
], - "mixins": { },
- "metadata": { }
{- "status": 400,
- "type": "bad_request",
- "message": "The tenant information provided with the request is not valid."
Deletes a specified site.
Important: You cannot delete a site whose default
property is set to true
The request was successful. The site has been deleted.
Internal Server Error
{- "status": 400,
- "type": "bad_request",
- "message": "The tenant information provided with the request is not valid."
Partially updates a specified site's configuration.
code | string Site's unique identifier. |
name | string Site name. |
active | boolean Flag indicating whether the site is active. |
default | boolean Flag indicating whether the site is the tenant's default site. |
includesTax | boolean Indicates whether prices for the site should be returned in gross (when includesTax=true) or net (when includesTax=false). |
defaultLanguage | string = 2 characters ^[a-z]{2} Site's default language, compliant with the ISO 639-1 standard. |
languages | Array of strings Languages supported by the site. Note: The languages must be compliant with the ISO 639-1 standard. |
currency | string (CurrencyDto) = 3 characters ^[A-Z]{3} Currency used by the site, compliant with the ISO 4217 standard. |
availableCurrencies | Array of strings (CurrencyDto) List of the currencies supported by the site |
object (HomeBase) Site's location. | |
shipToCountries | Array of strings Codes of countries to which the site ships products. Note: The country codes must be compliant with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. |
Array of objects (Service Configuration) Shipping service configurations. | |
Array of objects (Service Configuration) Payment service configurations. | |
Array of objects (Service Configuration)
| |
object (AssistedBuying) | |
object (Metadata) | |
taxDeterminationBasedOn | string (taxDeterminationBasedOn) Specifies whether tax calculation is based on customer billing address or shipping address. Default value is |
object Site's additional properties. | |
cartCalculationScale | integer >= 0 Default: 2 Number of decimal points used in the cart calculation. Must be zero or a positive value. |
The request was successful. The site has been updated.
Internal Server Error
{- "defaultLanguage": "en"
{- "status": 400,
- "type": "bad_request",
- "message": "The tenant information provided with the request is not valid."
Retrieves a list of site codes.
Note: The site.site_manage
scope is only required if you want to retrieve inactive sites.
includeInactive | boolean Default: false
| ||||||
pageNumber | integer >= 1 Default: 1 Page number to be retrieved. The number of the first page is 1. Note: If the | ||||||
pageSize | integer >= 1 Default: 16 Number of products to be retrieved per page. | ||||||
sort | string List of properties used to sort the results, separated by colons. Possible values:
Note: If you want to sort the results by localized properties, the possible values are:
By default, the fields are sorted in ascending order. | ||||||
q | string A standard query parameter used to search for specific values. Example: q=name:{productName} | ||||||
totalCount | boolean Default: false If set to | ||||||
expand | string Used to expand specific site settings.
Example: expand=payment:all,shipping:active,tax:none,mixin:customerSettings |
[- "UK",
- "FR",
- "main",
- "DE",
- "US"