2023 Changelog

Last updated 2023-12-14

Availability Service - removal of scopes from GET endpoint


The endpoint for getting product availability does not require any scopes anymore.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving product availabilityThe endpoint doesn't require scopes.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-12-14

Shopping-list Service - new endpoints

We introduced new endpoints for shopping-list. They allow for managing a shopping-list either by an employee or by a customer (so far, only a customer was able to manage it).

Added endpoints

Fetching all shopping listsIt fetches all shopping lists. The endpoint requires the shoppinglist.shoppinglist_read scope by an employee.
Creating a shopping listIt creates a shopping list. The endpoint requires the shoppinglist.shoppinglist_manage scope by an employee.
Updating a shopping listIt updates a shopping list. The endpoint requires the shoppinglist.shoppinglist_manage scope by an employee.
Removing a shopping listIt removes a shopping list. The endpoint requires the shoppinglist.shoppinglist_manage scope by an employee.
Fetching a shopping listIt fetches a shopping list. The endpoint requires the shoppinglist.shoppinglist_read scope by an employee.

Last updated 2023-12-14

Shopping-list Service - deprecation of endpoints

All deprecated endpoints will be removed on 2024/07/01.

Deprecated endpoints

Fetching all shopping lists
Creating a shopping list
Updating a shopping list
Removing a shopping list
Fetching a shopping list

Last updated 2023-12-07

Coupon Service - creation of coupons after hard deletion


After a hard deletion of a coupon, it is now possible to create a new coupon with the same code and to reset redemptions count.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-12-01

Coupon Service - support for mixins


Coupon Service from now on supports the mixins feature. There are two new properties available - mixins and metadata.mixins, which allow you to work with custom fields.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving couponsWe added mixins and metadata.mixins properties.
Creating a couponWe added mixins and metadata.mixins properties.
Retrieving a couponWe added mixins and metadata.mixins properties.
Updating a couponWe added mixins and metadata.mixins properties.
Partially updating a couponWe added mixins and metadata.mixins properties.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-11-23

Cart Service - making cart item properties optional


Properties price.originalAmount and price.effectiveAmount for a cart item can be optional. There are new system preferences that allow you to disable validation of these properties.

Updated endpoints

Adding multiple products to cartProperties price.originalAmount and price.effectiveAmount can be optional. Validation is configurable by the system preferences.
Adding a product to cartProperties price.originalAmount and price.effectiveAmount can be optional. Validation is configurable by the system preferences.
Updating a cart itemProperties price.originalAmount and price.effectiveAmount can be optional. Validation is configurable by the system preferences.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-11-23

Returns Service - metadata.mixins field


There is a new property added to return model - metadata.mixins. It allows for validation of mixins against a provided schema.

Updated endpoints

Creating a returnWe added metadata.mixins property.
Retrieving returnsWe added metadata.mixins property.
Retrieving a returnWe added metadata.mixins property.
Updating a returnWe added metadata.mixins property.
Partially updating a returnWe added metadata.mixins property.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-11-17

Coupon Service - permanent deletion of coupons


There is new property in system preferences, which allows you to permanently delete coupons. If the property is not set or is set to false, the delete coupon endpoint just flags the coupon as deleted. If set to true, the endpoint permanently removes the coupon from the database.

Updated endpoints

Deleting a couponDepending on the configuration, it flags coupon as deleted or performs permanent deletion from database.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-11-14

Webhook Service - new event types for Client Management Service


There are four new events which are emitted during: legal entity creation, legal entity update, legal entity deletion and when user is assigned to a legal entity. For more information, check out Client Management Service events.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-11-08

Schema Service - new service


This functionality is now fully operational.


We released the Schema Service that provides validation of custom mixin fields.

New endpoints

Creating a schemaIt creates a new schema. The endpoint requires schema.schema_manage scope.
Retrieving schemasIt returns all schemas. The endpoint requires schema.schema_read scope.
Retrieving a schemaIt returns a schema. The endpoint requires schema.schema_read scope.
Deleting a schemaIt deletes a schema. The endpoint requires schema.schema_manage scope.
Updating a schemaIt updates a schema. The endpoint requires schema.schema_manage scope.
Updating types of a schemaIt updates types of a schema. The endpoint requires schema.schema_manage scope.
Retrieving typesIt returns types. The endpoint requires schema.schema_read scope.
Providing a fileIt parses json schema and returns parsing results. The endpoint requires schema.schema_read scope.
Creating a referenceIt creates a new reference. The endpoint requires schema.schema_manage scope.
Retrieving referencesIt returns all references. The endpoint requires schema.schema_read scope.
Retrieving a referenceIt returns a reference. The endpoint requires schema.schema_read scope.
Deleting a referenceIt deletes a reference. The endpoint requires schema.schema_manage scope.
Updating a referenceIt updates a reference. The endpoint requires schema.schema_manage scope.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-11-08

Product Service - update of multiple products


The Product Service API has a new endpoint to update multiple products in bulk. Response for a particular product is returned at the same position (index) at which that product is located in the request body.

New endpoints

Upserting multiple productsIt updates products in bulk.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-11-07

Customer Service (customer-managed) - type property


There is a new property in the Customer object. The property is related to the Customer and Contact functionality. It indicates that a particular customer is a standard customer that has access to a storefront, or that the customer is a contact person. If the type field is not provided, the customer is recognized as a standard customer with a storefront access.

Updated endpoints

Updating a customer profileWe added type property.
Retrieving a customer profileWe added type property.
Creating a new customerWe added type property.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-11-07

Customer Service (customer-managed) - company registration ID property


A new property is available in the Customer object. The property is related to the Customer Rights and Roles functionality. It indicates if a particular customer is assigned to a particular company. If you provide the company registration ID during the customer sign up, such customer is assigned to existing company straight away. If the company does not exist, it will be created.

Updated endpoints

Patch a customer profileCompany registration ID property has been added.
Get a customer profileCompany registration ID property has been added.
Post a new customerCompany registration ID property has been added.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-11-07

Customer Service (tenant-managed) - company registration ID property and new scopes


The Customer object has a new property. The property is related to the Customer Rights and Roles functionality.

We added a new scope customer.customer_read_own to the GET customers endpoints. The scope allows users to read customers, who are assigned to the same company. We added a new scope customer.customer_manage_own to the endpoints. The scope allows users to manage customers who are assigned to the same company.

Updated endpoints

Getting customersWe added the company registration ID property and the customer.customer_read_own scope.
Creating a customerWe added the company registration ID property and the customer.customer_manage_own scope.
Patching a customerWe added the company registration ID property and the customer.customer_manage_own scope.
Getting a single customerWe added the company registration ID property and the customer.customer_read_own scope.
Deleting a customerWe added the customer.customer_read_own scope.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-11-07

IAM service - new endpoint and scopes


IAM service is enhanced with new scopes to give customers more access rights. A new endpoint was added for retrieving customer scopes.

New endpoints

Retrieving own scopesIt allows the customer to get their own scopes.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving all groupsThe added iam.group_read_own scope allows customers to read the groups of customer types.
Retrieving users assigned to a groupThe added iam.user_read_own scope allows customers to read user assignments. The users have to be from the same company.
Adding a user to a groupThe added iam.assignment_create_own scope allows customers to assign other users to the group. The users have to be from the same company.
Removing a user from a groupThe added iam.assignment_delete_own scope allows customers to unassign users from the group. The users have to be from the same company.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-11-07

Approval Service - new service


We released the Approval Service.

New endpoints

Creating an approvalIt creates a new approval. The endpoint requires the approval.approval_manage_own scope.
Retrieving a list of approvalsIt gets all the approvals assigned to the user. The endpoint requires the approval.approval_read_own scope.
Retrieving an approvalIt gets a single approval by ID assigned to the user. The endpoint requires the approval.approval_read_own scope.
Updating an approvalIt updates an approval by ID. The endpoint requires the approval.approval_manage_own scope.
Deleting an approvalIt deletes an approval by ID. The endpoint requires the approval.approval_manage_own scope.
Checking the resource approvalIt checks if the user has permission to perform given action on the resource. The endpoint requires the approval.approval_read_own scope.
Searching for approver usersIt retrieves all the users who can approve the approval for a given action on the resource. The endpoint requires the approval.approval_read_own scope.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-10-30

Returns Service - assisted buying property


The Return object was expanded with a new property. The property is related to Assisted Buying functionality and it indicates that a particular action has been performed by an employee on behalf of a customer.

New endpoints

Retrieving a list of returnsWe added assisted buying property.
Retrieving a single returnWe added assisted buying property.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-10-26

Order Service - assisted buying property


Order object was expanded with a new property. The property is related to Assisted Buying functionality and it indicates that a particular action has been performed by an employee on behalf of a customer.

New endpoints

Retrieving ordersWe added assisted buying property.
Retrieving a specific orderWe added assisted buying property.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-10-26

Site Setting Service - assisted buying property


The Site object was expanded with a new property. The property is related to Assisted Buying functionality and it provides an information about the storefront URL that should be opened when the action is triggered.

New endpoints

Retrieving sitesWe added assisted buying property.
Retrieving a siteWe added assisted buying property.
Creating a siteWe added assisted buying property.
Updating a siteWe added assisted buying property.
Partially updating a siteWe added assisted buying property.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-10-27

Webhook Service - new event types for customer service


This functionality is now fully operational.


There are five new events which are emitted during: customer creation, customer update, customer deletion, sending a request to reset a customer's password and resending an account activation link to a customer. For more information, check out Customer Service events.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-09-06

AI Service - new service


This functionality is now fully operational.


The service facilitates and streamlines e-commerce processes of product marketing.

Key Features

New endpoints

Generating text for an object descriptionIt generates a text based on a prompt. Currently supported AI engines for text generation: https://platform.openai.com/.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-08-07

Reward Points Service - redeem option


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Reward Points Service is enhanced with the new endpoint, which allows employees to update redeem options. We also added metadata to redeem options and from now on when you create a redeem option, metadata is added to it. When retrieving redeem options, the ones without metadata are decorated with metadata version 1.

New endpoints

Updating redemption optionIt updates redeem option with given information.

Updated endpoints

Creating redemption optionIt creates a redeem option for a given tenant.
Retrieving redemption optionsIt gets a redeem option for a given tenant.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-08-07

Reward Points Service - deleting redeem option


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Reward Points Service was enhanced with the new endpoint, which allows employees to delete redeem options by id.

New endpoints

Deleting redemption optionsIt deletes redeem option by id for a given tenant.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-08-02

Shipping Service - delivery day shift and time zones support


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Delivery Cycle Management functionality was updated with several new features to enhance user experience and efficiency. It now includes the Delivery Day Shift attribute, which offers users control over the delay period between the cut-off day and the delivery day. To make delivery timings more comprehensible, the functionality now supports timezone specifications, making it clear for which timezone the delivery time is defined.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving all delivery timesIt returns all the delivery times defined for the given tenant.
Creating a delivery timeIt creates a single delivery time.
Creating multiple delivery timesIt creates multiple delivery times in a single request.
Getting a delivery timeIt retrieves a specific delivery time.
Updating a delivery timeIt updates a single delivery time with a given information.
Partial updating of a delivery timeIt partially updates a single delivery time with a given information.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-07-11

Shipping Service - delivery cycle management


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Delivery Cycle Management functionality allows for more detailed way of controlling delivery process. It includes creating multiple slots for a single delivery time each with different cut-off times.

New endpoints

Retrieving all delivery timesIt returns all the delivery times defined for the given tenant.
Creating a delivery timeIt creates a single delivery time.
Creating multiple delivery timesIt creates multiple delivery times in a single request.
Getting a delivery timeIt retrieves a specific delivery time.
Updating a delivery timeIt updates a single delivery time with a given information.
Partial updating of a delivery timeIt partially updates a single delivery time with a given information.
Deleting a delivery timeIt deletes a specific delivery time with all slots that it had created.
Getting all the delivery time slotsIt retrieves all the slots for a given delivery time.
Creating a delivery time slotIt creates a new time slot for the given delivery time.
Deleting all the delivery time slotsIt deletes all the time slots for the given delivery time.
Getting a delivery time slotIt retrieves the given delivery time slot's details.
Updating a delivery time slotIt updates a single delivery time slot with given information.
Partial updating of a delivery time slotIt partially updates a single delivery time slot with given information.
Deleting a delivery time slotIt deletes a single delivery time slot.
Generating a delivery cycleIt generates a delivery cycle.

Updated endpoints

Increasing the delivery window counterRequest body contains one new property - slotId.
Retrieving delivery windows by cartResponse contains new properties - slotId, deliveryMethod, cutOffTime, cutOfDay, deliveryCycle.
Retrieving delivery windows by delivery areaEndpoint was deprecated.
Finding sites by postal codeResponse contains new properties - zones.actualDeliveryWindows.deliveryCycle, zones.actualDeliveryWindows.deliveryMethod, zones.actualDeliveryWindows.cutOffTime, zones.actualDeliveryWindows.slotId.
Retrieving ordersResponse contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Creating a new orderRequest body contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Retrieving a specific order by IDResponse contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Updating an orderRequest body contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Partially updating an orderRequest body contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Retrieving a list of ordersResponse contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Creating a new orderRequest body contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Retrieving order detailsResponse contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Creating a new cartRequest body contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Retrieving a cart's details by criteriaResponse contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Retrieving a cart's details by IDResponse contains a new property - deliveryWindow.
Updating a cartRequest body contains a new property - deliveryWindow.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-07-11

Payment Gateway Service - new service


This functionality is now fully operational.


We released the Payment Gateway Service.

New endpoints

Creating a new payment modeIt creates a new payment mode. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.paymentmodes_manage scope.
Updating an existing payment modeIt updates an existing payment mode. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.paymentmodes_manage scope.
Deleting an existing payment modeIt deletes an existing payment mode. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.paymentmodes_manage scope.
Fetching payment modesIt fetches a list of configured payment modes. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.paymentmodes_read scope.
Fetching payment modeIt fetches a single, configured payment mode. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.paymentmodes_read scope.
Fetching payment modes publiclyIt fetches a list of configured payment modes. The endpoint does not require any scope to be invoked and it returns properties that can be considered as publicly available. It can be used on a frontend.
Fetching payment modes publiclyIt fetches a single, configured payment mode. The endpoint does not require any scope to be invoked and it returns properties that can be considered as publicly available. It can be used on a frontend.
Authorizing a paymentIt authorizes a given payment. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.authorize_manage scope.
Capturing a paymentIt captures a given payment. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.capture_manage scope.
Refunding a paymentIt refunds a given payment. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.refund_manage scope.
Cancelling a paymentIt captures a given payment. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.cancel_manage scope.
Fetching transactionsIt fetches a list of payment transactions. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.paymenttransactions_read scope.
Fetching transactionIt fetches a single payment transaction. The endpoint requires payment-gateway.paymenttransactions_read scope.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-06-01

Webhook Service - new event order.deleted type


This functionality is now fully operational.


The event is emitted when an order is being deleted. For more information, check out Order Service events.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-30

Category Service - new code property


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Category Service API has been enhanced with the new property - code.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new categoryThe category resource now contains the code property.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-26

Product Service - creation of multiple products


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Product Service API has been enhanced with the new endpoint to create multiple products in bulk. The endpoint accepts a list of products. Recommended size of a particular batch is up to 500 products. Response for a particular product is returned at the same position (index) at which that product is located in the request body.

New endpoints

Creating multiple productsIt creates products in bulk. Recommended size of a particular batch is up to 500 products.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-25

IAM Service - new b2b property


This functionality is now fully operational.


The IAM Service API contains a new property - b2b. Users are now able to link the identifier of legal entity with the tenant group.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving all groupsThe b2b.legalEntityId property indicates the legal entity for which the group has been created.
Retrieving a groupThe b2b.legalEntityId property indicates the legal entity for which the group has been created.
Creating a new groupThe b2b.legalEntityId property indicates the legal entity for which the group has been created.
Upserting a groupThe b2b.legalEntityId property indicates the legal entity for which the group has been created.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-25

Customer-Management Service - new customermanagement.legalentity_read_own scope


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Customer-Management Service API has been enhanced with the new scope - customermanagement.legalentity_read_own. Customers are now able to retrieve all their legal entities with the customermanagement.legalentity_read_own scope.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving all legal entitiesThere is a possibility to retrieve legal entities of the customer using new customermanagement.legalentity_read_own scope.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-05-24

Quote Service - quote reasons


This functionality is now fully operational.


The quote reason functionality enables the creation and management of quote reasons. Quote reasons contain information why a given quote was declined or a change was requested. They are defined as separate entities through dedicated API and can be used as a reference during status change of the quote.

New endpoints

Creating a quote reasonIt creates a new quote reason.
Updating a quote reasonIt updates an existing quote reason.
Deleting a quote reasonIt deletes an existing quote reason.
Retrieving quote reasonsIt gets a list of quote reasons.
Retrieving a single quote reasonIt gets a single quote reason.

Updated endpoints

Partially updating a quoteThe quote has the quoteReasonId property as part of the status which should be provided when changing status of the quote to DECLINED, DECLINED_BY_MERCHANT or IN_PROGRESS.
Retrieving a single quoteThe quote can contain quoteReason object as part of the status field.
Retrieving quotesThe quote can contain quoteReason object as part of the status field.
Retrieving quote historyChangelogs contain changes of the quotes containing quote reasons reference.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-23

Quote Service - shipping information in a quote


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Quote Service API has been enhanced with shipping object. Users are now able to specify shipping of the quote.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving quotesThe quote has the shipping object required to the checkout process.
Retrieving a single quoteThe quote has the shipping object required to the checkout process.
Partially updating a quoteThe shipping object can be updated by the PATCH endpoint.
Creating a quoteA new optional field shipping was added for quote creation.
Retrieving quote historyChangelogs contain changes of the shipping.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-23

Order Service - tax of the shipping cost


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Order Service now contains the tax of the shipping costs. Previously, the order did not store the information about the tax or the tax rate of the shipping costs.

Updated endpoints

Creating a sales orderThe shipping line of the response body contains the optional tax object.
Retrieving a single sales orderThe shipping line of the response body contains the tax object.
Retrieving sales orderThe shipping line of the response body contains the tax object.
Creating an orderThe shipping line of the response body contains the optional tax object.
Retrieving a single orderThe shipping line of the response body contains the tax object.
Retrieving ordersThe shipping line of the response body contains the tax object.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-23

Checkout Service - quote checkout process


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Checkout Service API has been enhanced with the checkout process of the quote. When the request contains quoteId field, the checkout is triggered for the given quote.

Updated endpoints

Triggering a checkoutThe triggering a checkout request contains the optional quoteId field. In case of triggering a checkout of the quote, the shipping, addresses, and customer information is fetched directly from the quote.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-23

Quote Service - new orderId property


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Quote Service API has been enhanced with the new property - orderId. Users are now able to see the order id from an order created based on the quote.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving quotesIt gets the order id from an order that was created basing on the quote.
Retrieving a single quoteIt gets the order id from an order that was created basing on the quote.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-17

Quote Service - mixins feature


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Quote Service API has been enhanced with mixins feature. Users are now able to add, manage and read the mixins custom properties.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving quotesNew properties provide support for mixins and mixins metadata.
Retrieving a single quoteNew properties provide support for mixins and mixins metadata.
Partially updating a quoteNew paths provide support for updating mixins and mixins metadata.
Creating a quoteNew properties provide support for mixins and mixins metadata.
Retrieving quote historyChangelogs contain changes in the mixins and mixins metadata.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-05-12

Order Service - new quoteId property


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Order Service API has been enhanced with the new property - quoteId. Merchants are now able to see the id of the quote from which the order has been created.

Updated endpoints

Creating an orderThis property indicates from which quote the order has been created.
Getting a list of the ordersThis property indicates from which quote the order has been created.
Getting an orderThis property indicates from which quote the order has been created.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-04-04

Reward Points Service - order status changes


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Reward Points Service reacts now on the order status changes. When the order status is changed to COMPLETED, the reward points are added to the customer account.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2023-03-31

Quote Service - management of quotations


This functionality is now fully operational.


The quote management functionality enables the creation and management of quotations. Both the customer flow (accessible from the storefront) and the merchant flow (accessible from the Management Dashboard) are supported.

New endpoints

Creating a quoteIt creates a new quote.
Partially updating a quoteIt updates an existing quote.
Deleting a quoteIt deletes an existing quote.
Retrieving quotesIt gets a list of quotes.
Retrieving a single quoteIt gets a single quote.
Retrieving quote historyIt gets a single quote changelog.
Creating a quote PDFIt generates a quote PDF.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2023-03-03

Price Service (v2) - validation of mixins


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Price Service (v2) API has been enhanced with the validation of mixins. Before that, price mixins were not validated against any schema.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Known problems

There are no known problems.