2022 Changelog

In progress
Last updated 2022-12-15

Media Service - public and private assets


The media assets functionality makes it possible to manage public and private assets.

New endpoints

Creating a new assetIt creates a new media asset.
Updating an existing assetIt updates an existing media asset.
Deleting an existing assetIt deletes an existing media asset.
Getting list of asset entitiesIt gets a list of media assets.
Getting single asset entityIt gets a single media asset.
Downloading an assetIt downloads a single media asset.

Known problems

When particular endpoints become available, they will be announced in the Release Notes.

Last updated 2022-12-13

Order Service - new recalculate parameter


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Order Service API has been enhanced with the possibility of recalculating all entries from the order. Users are now able to recalculate prices and coupons of entries.

Updated endpoints

Updating an orderThis parameter allows for recalculation of all entries from the order. If set to true, the prices and coupons of the entries are recalculated. By default, the recalculate parameter is set to false.
Partially updating an orderThis parameter allows for recalculation of all entries from the order. If set to true, the prices and coupons of the entries are recalculated. By default, the recalculate parameter is set to false.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

Last updated 2022-12-12

Price Service - custom ID support


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Price Service API has been enhanced with the possibility of specifying custom IDs for prices. Users are now able to specify price IDs during price creation. In this case, the IDs are no longer generated automatically.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new price modelIt creates a new price model.
Creating a new priceIt creates a new price.
Creating new prices in bulkIt creates new prices in bulk.
Creating a new price listIt creates a new price list.
Creating a new price list priceIt creates a new price list price.
Creating new price list prices in bulkIt creates new price list prices in bulk.

Known problems

There are no known problems.

New Feature
Last updated 2022-11-30

Session Context Service - session context


This functionality is now fully operational.


The Session Context Service provides the ability to manage a customer's browser session context, enabling the application of contextual pricing based on the user's session.

New endpoints

Retrieving a session contextIt retrieves a session context.
Updating a session contextIt updates a session context.
Adding a new attribute to a session contextIt adds a new attribute to session context.
Deleting an attribute from a session contextIt deletes an attribute from a session context.
Retrieving own session contextIt retrieves own session context.
Partially updating own session contextIt updates own session context.
Adding a new attribute to own session contextIt adds a new attribute to own session context.
Deleting an attribute from own session contextIt deletes an attribute from own session context.

In progress
Last updated 2022-11-17

Returns Service - returns lifecycle


The order return functionality makes it possible to manage a lifecycle of an order return. A return can be managed by a customer or by an employee (on behalf of a customer).

New endpoints

Creating a new return entityIt creates a new order return.
Updating an existing return entityIt updates an existing order return.
Deleting an existing return entityIt deletes an existing order return.
Getting list of return entitiesIt gets a list of order returns.
Getting single return entitiesIt gets a single order return.

Known problems

When particular endpoints become available, they will be announced in the Release Notes.

Last updated 2022-11-09

Brands Service - localization and filtering


This functionality is now fully operational.


The names and descriptions of brands present in the system can now be localized.

The q param notation was introduced to the Retrieving all brands endpoint, so it is now possible to filter the results by every field.

For more detailed information, check out the API Reference documentation for the Retrieving all brands endpoint.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving all brandsThe response body contains two new fields localizedName and localizedDescription. Filtering is now supported using the q query parameter.
Adding a new brandThe response body contains two new optional fields — localizedName and localizedDescription.
Retrieving a brandThe response body contains two new fields localizedName and localizedDescription.
Updating a brandThe response body contains two new optional fields localizedName and localizedDescription.

Last updated 2022-11-08

Product Service - product bundles


This functionality is now fully operational.


The product variants functionality makes it possible to create many variants of a product based on variant attributes.

The original product model is now extended with two optional fields:

  • variantAttributes — can only be set to a product of the PARENT_VARIANT type. It defines the combination of variants to be created.
  • parentVariantId — can only be set to a product of the VARIANT type. It indicates the id of the PARENT_VARIANT product.
The productType field can be set to the following new values:
  • productType — can be set to either BASIC, BUNDLE, PARENT_VARIANT orVARIANT. The productType value is immutable - once set, it cannot be changed during the product update.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new productThe request body schema contains two new fields variantAttributes and parentVariantId.
Retrieving a product's detailsThe request body schema contains two new fields variantAttributes and parentVariantId.
Retrieving a list of productsThe request body schema contains two new fields variantAttributes and parentVariantId.
Upserting a productThe request body schema contains one new field variantAttributes.
Partially updating a product's detailsThe request body schema contains one new optional field variantAttributes.

Last updated 2022-10-04

Webhooks Service - subscription to events


This functionality is now fully operational.


The webhooks functionality makes it possible to subscribe to events that are broadcast by the Emporix e-commerce system.

New endpoints

Retrieving all subscriptionsIt retrieves all events with associated subscription details.
Subscribing and unsubscribing from eventsIt updates the subscriptions list by either subscribing or unsubscribing from specified events.
Retrieving a dashboard access URLIt retrieves a Svix magic login link (authentication embedded) and an authentication token needed to connect a tenant to their consumer application portal.
Retrieving webhook statisticsIt retrieves statistics on the number of emitted events and provides information on the limit of webhook notifications configured for a specific tenant.

Last updated 2022-09-23

Product Service - product accessories / consumables


This functionality is now fully operational.


The product accessories / consumables functionality makes it possible to define information about related items, like accessories.

The original product model is now extended with an optional field:

  • relatedItems — array of relatedItem objects.
The relatedItem object consists of the following mandatory fields:
  • refId — identifier of a product that is related to the main product. The product identifier has to exist.
  • type — relation type. The type has to exist in the system. All relation types are defined in configuration service under the relation_types key. There are two relation types available out of the box: ACCESSORY and CONSUMABLE.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new productThe request body schema contains a new optional field relatedItems.
Retrieving a product's detailsThe request body schema contains a new optional field relatedItems.
Retrieving a list of productsThe request body schema contains a new optional field relatedItems.
Upserting a productThe request body schema contains a new optional field relatedItems.

Last updated 2022-09-19

Product Service - product bundles


This functionality is now fully operational.


The product bundles functionality makes it possible to create products that consist of other products.

The original product model is now extended with two optional fields:

  • productType — can be set to either BASIC or BUNDLE. The productType value is immutable - once set, it cannot be changed during product update.
  • bundledProducts — a list containing IDs of products that are included in the bundle.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new productThe request body schema contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Retrieving a product's detailsThe request body schema contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Retrieving a list of productsThe request body schema contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Upserting a productThe request body schema contains one optional field bundledProducts.

Last updated 2022-09-19

Order Service - PDF-mashup for product bundles


This functionality is now fully operational.


The pdf-mashup service allows you to define product bundles in a new way. When the product is of the BUNDLE type (productType: BUNDLE) and contains products' ids in the bundledProducts fields, the pdf-mashup service generates the packlist.pdf and picklist.pdf files that list all products constituting the bundle.To support this feature, the Order Service has been extended with the order.entries.product model by introducing two new fields:
  • productType — provides information about the product's type. Possible values: BASIC, BUNDLE, PARENT_VARIANT, VARIANT.
  • bundledProducts — lists the productId and amount pairs that contain information about products assigned to a given bundle.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Updated endpoints

Retrieving details about an order (by a customer)The response body schema of the order.entries.product model contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Retrieving a list of orders (for customer)The response body schema of the order.entries.product model contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Creating new order (by a merchant)The request body schema of the order.entries.product model contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Updating order (by a merchant)The request body schema of the order.entries.product model contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.

Last updated 2022-09-15

Product Service - product templates


This functionality is now fully operational.


The product template functionality makes it possible to define a set of attributes that are common for all product instances based on a particular product template.

New endpoints

Creating a new product templateIt creates a new product template.
Getting a product templateIt retrieves a single product template.
Getting a list of product templatesIt retrieves a list of product templates.
Updating a product templateIt updates an existing product template. Each update creates a new version of the template. Products based on earlier versions of the template are not updated automatically. In order to see the changes (such as new attributes) on the product level, you need to update the product template's version in a relevant Product object.
Deleting a product templateIt deletes a product template. All products based on a deleted template will be unassigned from the template, but not deleted in a cascade way.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new productThe request body schema contains a new optional field called template. The template field consists of two fields: id and version.
Retrieving a product's detailsThe request body schema contains a new optional field called template. The template field consists of two fields: id and version.
Retrieving a list of productsThe request body schema contains a new optional field called template. The template field consists of two fields: id and version.
Upserting a productThe request body schema contains a new optional field called template. The template field consists of two fields: id and version.

In progress
Last updated 2022-09-13

Product Service - product accessories / consumables


The product accessories / consumables functionality makes it possible to define information about related items, like accessories.

The original product model is now extended with an optional field:

  • relatedItems — array of relatedItem objects.
The relatedItem object consists of the following mandatory fields:
  • refId — identifier of a product that is related to the main product. The product identifier has to exist.
  • type — relation type. The type has to exist in the system. All relation types are defined in configuration service under the relation_types key. There are two relation types available out of the box: ACCESSORY and CONSUMABLE.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new productThe request body schema contains a new optional field relatedItems.
Retrieving a product's detailsThe request body schema contains a new optional field relatedItems.
Retrieving a list of productsThe request body schema contains a new optional field relatedItems.
Upserting a productThe request body schema contains a new optional field relatedItems.

Known problems

When particular endpoints become available, they will be announced in Release Notes.

In progress
Last updated 2022-09-06

Customer Management Service - business customers


The customer management functionality makes it possible to manage information about your business customers.

New endpoints

Legal entities managementCRUD1 operations for managing legal entities. A legal entity is a representation of a company or its subsidiary.
Location managementCRUD operations for managing locations. A location is a physical address where a company operates, such as its headquarters, office, or warehouse.
Contact managementCRUD operations for contact management. A contact is an employee of one or more legal entities who can be contacted regarding business matters.
Contact assignmentsCRUD operations for assignments of contacts to legal entities. A contact can be assigned to a company or a subsidiary.

Known problems

When particular endpoints become available, they will be announced in Release Notes.

Last updated 2022-08-26

Product Service - improvements

The following changes have been introduced to the Emporix Product Service:

Creating a new product
  • Localized fields have been introduced.
  • The Content-Language header has been introduced. It can be set to one of the following values:
    • * — localized fields should provided in the form of a map, where each key is a language code (compliant with the ISO 639-1 standard) and each value represents a translation in the specified language.
    • en — localized fields should be provided in the form of strings, where values represent translations in the specified language.
    • — when the value is empty or the header is not specified, localized fields should be provided in the form of strings, where values represent translations in the tenant's default language.
Upserting a product
  • In case of a successful product update, a 204 status code is now returned. Before the changes, the status code was 200.
  • Optimistic locking has been introduced. The metadata.version field is required during update.
Deleting a productThe 204 status code is now returned in two cases:
  • A successful product removal.
  • Removal of a product that does not exist.

In progress
Last updated 2022-08-05

Webhooks Service - subscription to events


The webhooks functionality makes it possible to subscribe to events that are broadcast by the Emporix e-commerce system.

New endpoints

Retrieving all subscriptionsIt retrieves all events with associated subscription details.
Subscribing and unsubscribing from eventsIt updates the subscriptions list by either subscribing or unsubscribing from specified events.
Retrieving a dashboard access URLIt retrieves a Svix magic login link (authentication embedded) and an authentication token needed to connect a tenant to their consumer application portal.

Known problems

When particular endpoints become available, they will be announced in Release Notes.

Last updated 2022-08-02

Product Service - removal of a deprecated endpoint

Deprecated endpoint for deleting all products assigned to the tenant has been removed from the Emporix API Product Service Reference.

Removed endpoints

Deleting all productsIt deletes all products assigned to the tenant.

New Feature
Last updated 2022-07-28

Product Service - product bundles


This functionality is in preview mode — some of the features may not be fully operational yet.


The product bundles functionality makes it possible to create products that consist of other products.

The original product model is now extended with two optional fields:

  • productType — can be set to either BASIC or BUNDLE. The productType value is immutable - once set, it cannot be changed during product update.
  • bundledProducts — a list containing IDs of products that are included in the bundle.

New endpoints

No new endpoints have been introduced.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new productThe request body schema contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Retrieving a product's detailsThe request body schema contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Retrieving a list of productsThe request body schema contains two optional fields productType and bundledProducts.
Upserting a productThe request body schema contains one optional field bundledProducts.

Known problems

The product bundles functionality is in preview mode, which means the new endpoints may not be fully operational yet. When particular endpoints become available, they will be announced in Release Notes.

In progress
Last updated 2022-07-27

Product Service - product templates


This functionality is in preview mode — some of the features may not be fully operational yet.


The product template functionality makes it possible to define a set of attributes that are common for all product instances based on a particular product template.

New endpoints

Creating a new product templateIt creates a new product template.
Getting a product templateIt retrieves a single product template.
Getting a list of product templatesIt retrieves a list of product templates.
Updating a product templateIt updates an existing product template. Each update creates a new version of the template. Products based on earlier versions of the template are not updated automatically. In order to see the changes (such as new attributes) on the product level, you need to update the product template's version in a relevant Product object.
Deleting a product templateIt deletes a product template. All products based on a deleted template will be unassigned from the template, but not deleted in a cascade way.

Updated endpoints

Creating a new productThe request body schema contains a new optional field called template. The template field consists of two fields: id and version.
Retrieving a product's detailsThe request body schema contains a new optional field called template. The template field consists of two fields: id and version.
Retrieving a list of productsThe request body schema contains a new optional field called template. The template field consists of two fields: id and version.
Upserting a productThe request body schema contains a new optional field called template. The template field consists of two fields: id and version.

Known problems

The product templates functionality is in preview mode, which means the new endpoints may not be fully operational yet. When particular endpoints become available, they will be announced in Release Notes.

  1. CRUD — create, read, update, delete.